Coproduction: ComediHa! et Martin Leclerc
More than 50 years after premiering on Télé-Métropole, our theatre adaptation of Symphorien hits the stage after the final episode of the TV show airs. The production brings back all the show’s legendary and loveable characters: Sylvain and her colourful boarding house; Espérance and her die-hard principles; Oscar Bellemarre, the king of all undertakers; Éphrem and his natural gift for butchering jokes; and, of course, the title character Symphorien Laperle, a man with 14 kids and 14 ways of getting into trouble (and, fortunately, of getting out of it!).
The handsome Dr. Jetté makes a comeback. A mysterious and slightly inebriated priest enters the picture. Symphorien’s mother-in-law has found new ways to torment her daughter. And the ghost of notorious gangster Al Capone makes an appearance to really mix things up. Will Espérance finally find love? Will Oscar ever recover from his backache? Will Symphorien manage to make 14 sandwiches from a single pack of ham? You’ll have to come see the show to find out!
Touring across Quebec. Tickets on sale now.
Directors: Louis Saia and Pierre Séguin
Original idea: Martin Duchesne and Martin Leclerc
Writers: Pierre Huet and Louis Saia
Running time: 110 minutes with intermission
Actors: 7
Technical crew: 4
Touring: From fall 2022
Montreal premier: January 14, 2023
Additional performances in Quebec City: April 5 and 6, 2023
Additional performances in Montreal: February 20 to 23, 2024